Personalized learning environment (PLE)
for Biology using Symbaloo Lesson Plans as a digital resource
Jorge Luis Mejía Quiñonez[*]
This study investigates the
analysis and implementation of the Personal Learning Environment (PLE) in the
teaching of Biology at the Angel Modesto Paredes Educational Unit. Within the
main objective of the research, the ability to use digital tools such as
Symbaloo lesson plans to generate PLE, in order to improve the academic
performance of students in the subject of Biology, Natural Sciences Area, and
to promote the use of ICT in the teaching-learning process was examined. Since
a descriptive approach was used to determine the use of PLE with traditional
teaching, to adapt to the demands of the current educational environment; it
was found that the performance of students in Biology was unfavorable, which
prompted the adoption of digital strategies that encourage active and
personalized learning. This work aims to change current teaching methods so
that teachers can use ICT to enrich teaching and respond to the needs of
today's society, providing dynamic learning that is better adapted to the
individual needs of students.
Keywords: Educational technology,
computer-assisted instruction, academic achievement, active learning,
educational informatics.
de aprendizaje personalizado (PLE) para Biología utilizando los planes de
lecciones de Symbaloo como recurso digital
Este estudio investiga el análisis y la implementación del Entorno
Personal de Aprendizaje (PLE) en la enseñanza de Biología en la Unidad
Educativa Ángel Modesto Paredes. Dentro del objetivo principal de la investigación,
se examinó la capacidad de utilizar herramientas digitales como los planes de
lecciones de Symbaloo para generar PLE, con el fin de mejorar el rendimiento
académico de los estudiantes en la asignatura de Biología, Área de Ciencias
Naturales, y promover el uso de las TIC en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.
Dado que se utilizó un enfoque descriptivo para determinar el uso de PLE con la
enseñanza tradicional, para adaptarse a las exigencias del entorno educativo
actual; se encontró que el rendimiento de los estudiantes en Biología era
desfavorable, lo que impulsó la adopción de estrategias digitales que fomentan
el aprendizaje activo y personalizado. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo cambiar
los métodos de enseñanza actuales para que los profesores puedan utilizar las
TIC para enriquecer la enseñanza y responder a las necesidades de la sociedad
actual, proporcionando un aprendizaje dinámico que se adapte mejor a las
necesidades individuales de los estudiantes.
Palabras clave: Tecnología educativa, enseñanza asistida por
ordenador, rendimiento académico, aprendizaje activo, informática educativa.
Received : 12-04-2024
Approved: 13-05-2024
In secondary education, the
teaching of the subject of Biology in the area of Natural Sciences is affected
by different challenges, such as the little importance that students give to
this subject, the lack of motivation, the little use of support materials/resources,
the scarce implementation of active methodologies, among others.
The research, carried out
since 2019-2020, is focused on the specialty of Techno-pedagogical Design and
has been elaborated with the objective of integrating ICT for teaching in the
area of Natural Sciences. It is aimed at 2nd year high school students of the
Unidad Educativa Ángel Modesto Paredes, in the city of Quito, to address the
following problem: it has been identified that some students, for various
factors, do not understand the topics as well as their peers and this, in turn,
affects the evaluations and academic performance of each of them.
With this background, it
has been decided to carry out this project in which it is argued that the use
of new active learning methodologies, supported by the use of ICT, benefit both
students and teachers, as they are part of the teaching-learning process. These
methodologies are directed to the use of the PLE in such a way that the
traditional pedagogical models of teaching can be transformed into innovative
models, through the integration of digital tools, both inside and outside the
In addition, it is about
promoting the use of the FLIPPED CLASSROOM as an active methodology which takes
full advantage of the use of the PLE. This will allow the student to set the
learning objectives and advance at a pace that allows him/her not only to
continue, but to learn.
According to
With respect to the data
that support the execution of the study, some experiences are mentioned that
make evident the adequate use of PLE to motivate student participation during
the teaching-learning process:
Taking into account the
experiences mentioned in the present research, the teaching innovation
experiences presented above and the different Personal Learning Environments
that exist, it is considered that these provide the adequate foundation to
carry out the project with the expectation of obtaining excellent results
during its implementation.
The present research was
carried out during the years 2019 and 2020, in the Angel Modesto Paredes
Educational Unit, which is located in District No. 6 of the province of
Pichincha, city of Quito, parish Chilibulo, neighborhood Los Libertadores; main
street Zaruma S10-344 and Jose Eguzquiza. The information of the center is
indicated below:
Table 1: Educational
Center Data.
S10-344 y José Egusquiza |
CODE: 17H0053 |
2665-211 |
Pichincha |
Quito |
Magdalena |
Prosecutor |
Sierra |
On-site |
Initial Education ·
General Basic Education ·
General Unified
Baccalaureate |
Sublevel 1and2, high
school ·
Basic Elementary ·
Middle School ·
Basic Superior ·
Baccalaureate |
17H0D6 Eloy
Alfaro |
01-10 |
- Evening |
- 13H00 |
- 19H00 |
Source: Angel Modesto Paredes
Educational Unit
Needs analysis
the investigation, the authorities of the educational center were interviewed,
and they were able to provide the necessary information regarding what could be
the needs that are currently present and have not been solved. Therefore, it
was detected that, with respect to high school students, the learning results
obtained in the different subjects have been satisfactory and in some cases
most of them have passed with the minimum grade.
For this
reason, the topic was deepened and the
problem to be addressed was defined,
which is based on the low academic performance of students and we proceeded to
analyze the results of the SER
BACHILLER tests, which
assesses the progress of the competencies and skills that students must obtain
at the end of intermediate education and that are necessary for the successful
development as citizens and to access higher education studies, since most of
the topics that are evaluated correspond to the 2nd year of high school. The
qualification of this test corresponds to 30% of the final grade of the
baccalaureate and is a fundamental requirement for graduation, in addition,
with the same result they enter the admission process in higher education.
Marlene Teresa Jimenez Riera, RECTOR
(e) in that school year, was able to give us a copy of the last official
report issued by the Ministry of Education and the National Institute of
Educational Evaluation of the Angel Modesto Educational Unit with respect to
the results in these tests are detailed as follows:
Table 2: Ser Bachiller test results
School Year |
Evaluated |
Mathematics |
Language and Literature |
Natural Sciences |
Social Studies |
2018-2019 |
65 |
7,43 |
7,73 |
7,33 |
7,64 |
2017-2018 |
105 |
7,17 |
7,70 |
7,11 |
7,38 |
2016-2017 |
109 |
6,72 |
7,31 |
6,87 |
7,12 |
Source: National Institute for
Educational Evaluation
After grouping the
information and the results obtained in each of the 4 fundamental subjects, we
proceeded to make the following graphical representation, where it can be seen,
according to the lines with markers in the 4 fundamental subjects, the global
averages have not even reached a score of 8 out of 10 points:
Figure 1: Ser
Bachiller Test Results
Source: National Institute for
Educational Evaluation
Once the graphical
representation was made, we proceeded to interpret the results in a general way
and reach the following conclusion: in the last 3 years it can be observed that
the results do not vary with respect to the level achieved by the students.
That is why, in relation to the last school period corresponding to 2018-2019,
65 students were evaluated, of which 35 were males and 30 were females,
reaching an overall average of 7.53 points out of 10; that is, the results
indicate that they are at an ELEMENTARY level of academic achievement as shown
in the following graph .
Figure 2: Comparison
of grade point averages of degree exams
Source: National Institute for
Educational Evaluation
with all the information presented, we proceeded to:
Identify the areas that need to be strengthened in the
students' learning, in order to create pedagogical strategies to improve their
academic achievement.
Analyze the strategies applied in the field with the
best results in order to replicate them where reinforcement is needed.
reaching the conclusion that the area of Natural Sciences is where there is a
low academic performance in comparison to the other basic subjects and, for
this reason, it was decided to strengthen this area through the use of
technological resources to improve the level of understanding of students and
that this, in turn, is reflected in subsequent evaluations.
After having carried out the corresponding information
analysis and determined the needs to be met, some limitations have been
identified that would arise during the implementation of the project, in which
it is indicated that most students have not used any type of virtual platform,
so these students should be trained to carry out its implementation and,
similarly, with respect to teachers in the area, since they do not have the
knowledge to properly handle ICT.
population and sample selected for the study are shown in the following table:
Table 3: Population
of the Angel Modesto Paredes Educational Unit
Item |
Detail |
Frequencies |
Percentages |
1 |
Authorities |
2 |
2,35% |
2 |
Teachers |
5 |
5,88% |
3 |
Students |
78 |
91,76% |
85 |
100.00% |
Source: Data collected at U.E.
Ángel Modesto Paredes.
Once the
people involved in the proposal had been identified, working meetings were held
with the authorities and teachers to explain the purpose of the project once
the need had been identified.
Information Gathering
Documentary review: Analysis of bibliography,
scientific articles and book chapters.
Instruments: Surveys and Interviews.
Techniques: Semi-structured interviews,
Human Resources: Researcher, Authorities,
teachers and students of U.E. Ángel Modesto Paredes.
Materials: Surveys, interview guides,
notebooks, computer, printer, sheets of bond paper.
Financial: A budget will be prepared
to cover the costs of the research, including materials, expert fees and other
Data Collection Instruments
instruments used in this study were the following:
Student Questionnaire: To measure the level of
class participation and the impact they feel on their academic performance.
Teacher Questionnaire: To measure teachers'
opinions on the effectiveness of ICT in the classroom, their experience with
the Symbaloo tool and how it affects student motivation.
Interview: To better understand the challenges and
benefits of integrating a PLE in the classroom.
With all the information gathered from the interviews
and surveys, following conclusions have been drawn, which are presented in the
following SWOT:
Figure 3: SWOT
Scope of Research
The present research is
exploratory and experimental, because it seeks to know how teachers and
students view the use of Symbaloo and its effectiveness in fostering
independent learning and improving students' school performance. It also
studies the incorporation of ICT in the educational environment.
The materials used in the research are:
Table 4:
Material |
Description |
Symbaloo Lesson
Plans |
Platform used as a key component of the Personal
Learning Environment (PLE) to organize and share educational resources in the
subject of Biology. |
Devices |
Computers, tablets and projectors used to implement
and monitor classroom activities. |
Tutorials and
Guides |
Support documents provided to teachers to facilitate
the use of Symbaloo Lesson Plans and optimize its integration in the
classroom. |
Internet access |
Internet connection enabled for students and
teachers to access the virtual resources and activities proposed in Symbaloo. |
Educational Resources |
Digital tools such as videos, multimedia
presentations, and interactive documents stored in the Symbaloo platform,
used by students during classes. |
This table clearly presents the main materials used in
the research to implement the pedagogical model based on the Personal Learning
The analysis of the data collected is presented in two
groups of participants: surveys conducted with students and surveys conducted
with teachers, offering a complete view of the effect of ICT on the
teaching-learning process in the area of Natural Sciences for high school
Table 5:
Ask |
Affirmative Responses |
% Negative
Responses |
promotes active learning on the part of students. |
90% |
10% |
consider ICT to be very important for teaching at the present time. |
95% |
5% |
I find it
positive to progressively integrate ICT in my subject. |
88% |
12% |
I should
be introducing ICT in my classes. |
85% |
15% |
I believe
that teachers should use ICT to facilitate student learning. |
92% |
8% |
In addition, student surveys showed that most students
know what the acronym ICT stands for and are comfortable using digital
technology. This means that the person is very good with technology, which is
beneficial for trying new ways of teaching in the classroom. Regarding the
technological tools that teachers use, students said that the most common ones
are computer presentations and learning programs on the Internet. They also
mentioned that students can use the Internet at home or in Internet cafes, and
have phones, computers, and tablets to do school assignments.
Another important finding was what students thought
about how information and communication technologies affect their results in
school. Many students indicated that using these tools in class can help
improve their academic performance in Biology and other difficult subjects.
However, some mentioned that using too much technology could make them do
poorly in school. Therefore, it is important to use technology in a balanced
and educationally thoughtful way.
Table 6:
Ask |
Affirmative answers (%) |
Negative responses (%) |
Do you have internet access? |
60 |
40 |
Do you have a device to surf the Internet? |
70 |
30 |
Why do you think that school performance is
not so high in the subject of Biology? |
40 |
60 |
Do you think the use of ICT in the classroom
would improve your academic performance? |
80 |
20 |
In general, the results indicate that both teachers
and students know that information and communication technologies are very important
for teaching and learning. Teachers' willingness to try new things and
students' interest in using technology are good for starting to use educational
strategies with technology effectively and consistently. Student and teacher
surveys give us a better understanding of how information and communication
technologies (ICTs) affect education and the challenges we face in using
technologies in the classroom.
Initially, the technology used by students seems to be
good, as 60% have access to the Internet and 70% have technological devices
that facilitate the use of digital tools, but there are still many who do not
have access to technology. The neglected digital divide means that we must
establish fair rules so that everyone has access to information and
communication technologies and that some people are not left without access to
education. Students believe that technology is a great help in their studies and
80% believe that digital tools can significantly improve their academic
Teachers agreed that ICT is very important for
teaching and learning, and can help students learn more actively. More than 85%
think this is useful, but we still have some problems. This shows that it is
important to increase teachers' teaching of technology and to focus on learning
practical skills and maintaining a positive attitude towards innovation. Both
students and teachers agree that technologies give them the opportunity to
acquire more knowledge and improve their school performance, but they also show
the difference between what students expect and what teachers expect.
Looking ahead, these results open many avenues for
research and it is also important to explore how technology can be used in
traditional education to engage students in self-directed learning, critical
thinking, teamwork and problem solving. What is important is that schools,
teachers and students work together to overcome technological and cultural
barriers. It is important to note that the results of this study may not be
fully representative because the sample is very specific.
Overall, the results of this study confirm the
importance of ICTs in education, while indicating how issues such as access to
these tools, resistance to their use and improving their use in different
contexts can be addressed.
In the present research it can be summarized that
through this formative proposal we try to stimulate the active participation of
students both inside and outside the classroom. Thus, after having conducted
the research regarding innovative experiences in the classroom, it has been
determined that the use of ICT in education promotes learning that leads to
improve student motivation.
That is why mention is made of the benefits of
implementing a Personal Learning Environment, which aims to improve the
academic performance of students and strengthen teaching skills with respect to
the use of ICT, considering that among the defined population, students with
learning disabilities have been identified and for this reason it was decided
to develop a PLE that allows students to create their own learning path based
on their answers (successes or errors). Likewise, the integration of digital
resources, virtual learning environments and the use of technological equipment
to the teaching work in order to promote and demand the adequate academic
training of educators. It is intended that this report can be evidenced based
on reliable educational experiences and that the results to be obtained during
its implementation and thus teachers can assume a fundamental role with respect
to educational strengthening.
At the same time, the professional development of
teachers plays a fundamental role, since access to digital resources, virtual
environments and technological devices means professional development.
Transforming teaching practices, aligning them with the current needs of
students. Finally, this research not only proposes innovations in teaching
methods, but also shows how technology can become a central resource to improve
educational processes. The relationship between the objectives of the project
and its purpose is clearly defined, demonstrating that PLE can enrich teaching
and learning through personalized and fun strategies. With the implementation
of these tools it is expected that students will not only achieve better
academic results, but also develop a greater interest in learning.
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