Characterization and spatial georeferencing of the physical properties of Eutric Fluvisols soils for agricultural use in the "La María" Experimental Farm in the Mocache Canton

Palabras clave: Calicata, munsell, coordinates, GPS, georeferenced


This work was carried out in the Experimental Farm "La María" of
the State Technical University of Quevedo (UTEQ) with the
objective of characterizing and georeferencing the physical
properties of the Eutric Fluvisols soils for agricultural use in the
farm "La María". Where there is a lack of knowledge of the physical
characteristics, inadequate management and use of soils being
necessary the use of technologies such as geographic information
systems (GIS) that allow storing, analyzing and managing activities
of the different sites of agricultural interest. This research was
conducted from June to October 2018, using a completely
randomized design (CRD) with 20 treatments considered by
horizons and surfaces in 3 replications. The data were analyzed in
the statistical program InfoStat free version (VL), and subjected to
Tukey's test at 95% probability. These results were plotted on a
georeferenced map in a GIS (ARGIS) (VL), WGS 1984 UTM Zone 17S
coordinate system. The soils of the "La María" farm had an average
bulk density of 1.18 g/cm3 and real density of 2.24 g/cm3. There
was a pore space percentage of 46%, average moisture percentage
of 41%, and soil aggregate size of 4.28 mm. In the texture analysis,
85% of the soils of the farm have a loamy soil texture.

Cómo citar
Salazar Carranza, L., Véliz Zamora, D., Vásconez Montúfar, G., Mestanza Uquillas, C., & Pinargote Alava, J. (2021). Characterization and spatial georeferencing of the physical properties of Eutric Fluvisols soils for agricultural use in the "La María" Experimental Farm in the Mocache Canton. Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación Y Saberes, 11(2), 30-43. Recuperado a partir de
Artículo Científico