Análisis bibliométrico y de redes de colaboración sobre el pensamiento crítico en el entorno educativo
El objetivo principal del manuscrito es realizar un estudio bibliométrico sobre la producción científica relacionada al pensamiento crítico en el entorno educativo publicado en la Web of Science. Para ello, se identificaron un total de 576 documentos publicados desde el año 2000 al 2022, recuperados de la base de datos Web of Science, dando como resultado, indicadores bibliométricos de producción, visibilidad, impacto y colaboración. Se puede concluir que existe un ritmo sostenible y exponencial de la producción científica sobre el pensamiento crítico en el entorno educativo, evidenciando el interés por los diferentes aspectos y procesos que intervienen en su desarrollo y aplicación, además, se reconoce que las instituciones que apoyan la divulgación de resultados a través de revistas de alto impacto son instituciones de educación superior.
Bargiela, I. M., Anaya, P. B., y Puig, B. (2022). Questions for Inquiry and the Activation of Critical Thinking in Early Childhood Education. Ensenanza de las ciencias, 40(3), 11–28.
Barta, A., Fodor, L. A., Tamas, B., y Szamoskozi, I. (2022). The development of students critical thinking abilities and dispositions through the concept mapping learning method - A meta-analysis. Educational research review, 37.
Celik, S. A. (2022). An Investigation on the Effect of STEM Practices on Sixth-Grade Students’ Problem-Solving Skills, Critical Thinking, and Attitudes Toward STEM. Pamukkale Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi-Pamukkale University Journal Of Education, 56, 287+.
Diaz-Herrera, L., Gonzalez-Fernandez, N., y Salcines-Talledo, I. (2022). Critical Thinking in Primary School Teachers on the Use of Instagram and TikTok. Education In The Knowledge Society, 23.
Durnali, M. (2022). `Destroying barriers to critical thinking’ to surge the effect of self-leadership skills on electronic learning styles. Thinking Skills And Creativity, 46.
Hirsch, J. E. (2005). An index to quantify an individual’s scientific research output. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 102(46), 16569–16572.
Liang, W. (2023). Towards a set of design principles for technology-assisted critical-thinking cultivation: A synthesis of research in English language education. THINKING SKILLS AND CREATIVITY, 47.
Maskur, R., Suherman, S., Andari, T., Anggoro, B. S., Muhammad, R. R., y Untari, E. (2022). The Comparison of STEM approach and SSCS Learning Model for Secondary School-Based on K-13 Curriculum: The Impact on Creative and Critical Thinking Ability. Red-Revista De Educacion A Distancia, 22(70).
Montafej, J., Lotfi, A. R., y Chalak, A. (2022). The Effectiveness of Hybrid and Pure Problem-Based Learning in the Productive Skills and Critical Thinking of Iranian Undergraduate Students through MALL Application. Education Research INTERNATIONAL, 2022.
Normile, I. H. (2022). Exploring Criticality in Chinese Philosophy: Refuting Generalisations and Supporting Critical Thinking. Studies in philosophy and education, 1, 1–19.
Oyewo, O. A., Ramaila, S., y Mavuru, L. (2022). Harnessing Project-Based Learning to Enhance STEM Students’ Critical Thinking Skills Using Water Treatment Activity. EDUCATION SCIENCES, 12(11).
Payan-Carreira, R., Sacau-Fontenla, A., Rebelo, H., Sebastiao, L., y Pnevmatikos, D. (2022). Development and Validation of a Critical Thinking Assessment-Scale Short Form. EDUCATION SCIENCES, 12(12).
Rotila, V. (2022). The Absence of Critical Thinking Skills and its Effects. Case Study: Vaccine Hesitation. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 14(3), 1–17.
Wan, Y., Yao, R., Li, Q., y Bi, H. (2023). Views of Chinese middle school chemistry teachers on critical thinking. Chemistry Education Research And Practice, 24(1), 161–175.
Yilmaz-Na, E., y Sonmez, E. (2023). Having qualified arguments: Promoting Pre-service teachers’ critical thinking through deliberate computer-assisted argument mapping practices. Thinking Skills And Creativity, 47.
Derechos de autor 2023 Giovanny Andrés Villao Alejandro, Víctor Enrique Rodríguez Vera, Harry Jean Pierre Campoverde Naranjo, Galo Gilberto Regalado Quimis

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