Pensamiento crítico aplicado a la investigación
Palabras clave:
Pensamiento crítico, investigación, universidad, educación
Este artículo lleva a cabo una revisión de la literatura para conocer comoel pensamiento crítico puede aplicarse a la investigación, Ya que el buen desenvolvimiento de la vida del profesional que sale de las aulas de launiversidad requerirá que éste se adapte a las exigencias de todo tipo, por lo que adquirir una postura crítica ante la frecuente interacción con los conceptos, puntos de vista, valores y modos de obrar. Lo hará siempreque recurra a procesos mentales críticos.
La descarga de datos todavía no está disponible.
Bailin, S., Case, R., & Daniels, L. (1999). Conceptualizing critical thinking. J. Curriculum Studies, 285-302.
Celuch, K., & Slama, M. (1999). Teaching Critical Thinking Skills for the 21st Century: An Advertising Principles Case Study. Journal of educations for Business, 134-139.
Elder, L., & Paul, R. (2002). Critical Thinking: Distinguishing Between Inferences and Assumptions. Journal of Developmental Education, 34-35.
Facione, P. (2000). The Disposition Toward Critical Thinking: Its Character, Measurement, and Relationship to Critical Thinking Skill . Informal Logic, 61-84.
Facione, P. (2011). Critical Thinking: What It Is and Why It Counts. Insight Assessment, 1-28.
Kurfiss, J. G. (1988). Critical Thinking: Theory, Research, Practice, and Possibilities. Washington, DC: Association Clearinghouse on Higuer Educationon for the Study of Higuer Education. ERIC.
Oca Rojas, Y. M., Silupu, W. M. C., Romero, R. M., Jonathan, C. T., & Bastidas, C. B. (2020). Information technologies for the formation of socio-productive networks: Theorical reflections. RISTI - Revista Iberica De Sistemas e Tecnologias De Informacao, 2020(E31), 151-160.
Paul, R., & Elder, L. (1999). Critical thinking: Teaching Students To Seek the Logic of Things. Journal od Developmental Education, 34-35.
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. (2011). The RACGP General practiceGP Curriculum for Australia. The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, 411-422.
Turpo Gebera, O., Aguaded Gómez, I., Barros Bastidas, C. Media and information literacy and teacher training in developing countries: the case of Peru, (2022) Universidad y Sociedad, 14 (2), pp. 321-327.
Celuch, K., & Slama, M. (1999). Teaching Critical Thinking Skills for the 21st Century: An Advertising Principles Case Study. Journal of educations for Business, 134-139.
Elder, L., & Paul, R. (2002). Critical Thinking: Distinguishing Between Inferences and Assumptions. Journal of Developmental Education, 34-35.
Facione, P. (2000). The Disposition Toward Critical Thinking: Its Character, Measurement, and Relationship to Critical Thinking Skill . Informal Logic, 61-84.
Facione, P. (2011). Critical Thinking: What It Is and Why It Counts. Insight Assessment, 1-28.
Kurfiss, J. G. (1988). Critical Thinking: Theory, Research, Practice, and Possibilities. Washington, DC: Association Clearinghouse on Higuer Educationon for the Study of Higuer Education. ERIC.
Oca Rojas, Y. M., Silupu, W. M. C., Romero, R. M., Jonathan, C. T., & Bastidas, C. B. (2020). Information technologies for the formation of socio-productive networks: Theorical reflections. RISTI - Revista Iberica De Sistemas e Tecnologias De Informacao, 2020(E31), 151-160.
Paul, R., & Elder, L. (1999). Critical thinking: Teaching Students To Seek the Logic of Things. Journal od Developmental Education, 34-35.
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. (2011). The RACGP General practiceGP Curriculum for Australia. The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, 411-422.
Turpo Gebera, O., Aguaded Gómez, I., Barros Bastidas, C. Media and information literacy and teacher training in developing countries: the case of Peru, (2022) Universidad y Sociedad, 14 (2), pp. 321-327.
Cómo citar
Zambrano Paladines, M. M., Escalante Bourne, T. M., Córdova Herrera, C. V., & Mackay Veliz, R. A. (2022). Pensamiento crítico aplicado a la investigación. Revista Repique, 4(2).
Derechos de autor 2022 Mario Marco Zambrano Paladines, Teodoro Mauricio Escalante Bourne, Carlos Vicente Córdova Herrera, Rubén Alberto Mackay Veliz

Esta obra está bajo licencia internacional Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0.