Urban Sustainability Indicator Systems for the Canton of La Libertad

Palabras clave: compactness, urban complexity, local development, unsustainability, urban sustainability


The objective of the research is to design a model of urban sustainability
indicators to strengthen the local development of the canton of La
Libertad; urban sustainability indicators have been seen as signals that
mark the progress of the achievement of the objectives and goals set in
the urban planning process, and allow making relevant and timely
decisions. The types of research used are descriptive and analytical, by
measuring variables through the deductive and inductive methods; a
population of 48671 was considered, corresponding to the number of
inhabitants of the canton of La Libertad between the ages of 20 and
64, from which a sample of 356 people was selected. The proposed
model MSUCLL - 2021, is a model determined in relation to the criteria
determined in the research, thus allowing the improvement of critical
factors that affect urban sustainability; it includes 4 axes: compactness
and functionality, urban complexity, efficiency, and social cohesion.

Cómo citar
Collins Ventura, N. V. (2022). Urban Sustainability Indicator Systems for the Canton of La Libertad. Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación Y Saberes, 12(2), 49-69. Recuperado a partir de http://revistasdigitales.utelvt.edu.ec/revista/index.php/investigacion_y_saberes/article/view/146
Artículo Científico