Comparative study of video streaming services: OTT AND IPTV

Palabras clave: Video, Streaming, OTT, IPTV


The purpose of this study is to compare Over-The-Top (OTT) and
Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) services, the former consists of the
transmission of audio, video and other types of content over the
Internet, while the IPTV service is the one that transmits audio and
video over IP protocols. The advantages of OTT and IPTV
technological systems, protocols for their operation, and a brief
review of the hardware required for implementation are presented.
The methodology used in the study is bibliographic documentary, the
information obtained for the constitution of the conceptual theoretical
framework was obtained from specialist. The results allow to evidence
that in Ecuador most citizens have a TV and smartphone in their
homes, more than half of the population has Internet connection
permanently, the evolution of the use of OTT and IPTV exacerbated
by the confinement due to the health emergency, are inputs that allow
us to conclude that video streaming services: OTT and IPTV constitute
an alternative for users, due to the accessibility they present of the
content to the user.

Cómo citar
Loja Gutama, F. A., & Orellana Parra, M. G. (2022). Comparative study of video streaming services: OTT AND IPTV. Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación Y Saberes, 12(2), 70-84. Recuperado a partir de
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