Incidence of School Discrimination in the Coexistence of the Students of the Educational Institution
School discrimination is an issue that affects the integral development of students, in this sense, a research will be conducted to identify discriminatory practices that occur in the students of the I.E. Cisneros of the municipality of Cisneros (Antioquia), through a contextual analysis to determine their causes, their factors and thereby design an intervention strategy to reduce cases of school discrimination and thus improve coexistence in the institution. Action research as a method, has had to gain space in the academic and scientific community, a space that has been winning over the strict scientific method and the positivist paradigm. This research is qualitative in nature and the type of study is action research. The qualitative approach and action research were selected because they allow us to approach the school reality in a way that facilitates understanding the context and describing the real processes from the participants' perspectives; also because it is more appropriate to have access to the world of other people's lives in a short time. Interviews were conducted with two focus groups (students and teachers) from which the emerging categories are extracted.
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Derechos de autor 2023 Loida M. Mora D., Mónica P. Navarro G., Yull X. Higuera C.

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