Technology transfer, essence of the Linkage with Society. Case of La Concordia - Ecuador
The objective of this research was to analyze the contribution of the
activities of the students who took the community service subjects in
2021 to the strengthening of technology transfer in the La Concordia
canton of the Santo Domingo de Los Tsáchilas province and its area
of influence. Its contribution to the training processes and therefore
to the link with society is shown at the career level. The leading role
of directors, teachers and students of the university institution in
collaborating in the development of the linking activities reflected in
the study of student intervention in the canton of La Concordia is
recognized. As a result of this documentary analysis, we have that 300
students and 43 teachers participated, providing 49 training courses,
between the academic periods 2020-2s and 2021-1s, in the midst of
the Covid-19 pandemic.
Derechos de autor 2022 Evelyn Eugenia Alcívar Soria, Alberto Efrain Prado Chinga, Julio César Caicedo Aldaz, Ibañez Jácome Sixto Santiago
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