Feasibility study of the implementation of a deconcentrated and processbased management model in public universities in Ecuador

Palabras clave: management, institutional, category


This study aims to determine the feasibility of administratively
implementing a deconcentrated and process-based institutional
management model at the University of Guayaquil, as well as the
proposal of a management model that allows the execution of
strategic, business and support processes at the University of
Guayaquil, in order to achieve a significant institutional
transformation. For this purpose, a survey and analysis of the current
process management at the UG was carried out, which allows
proposing to the authorities the tools and mechanisms through which
the implementation of processes could be made more viable and thus
comply with the Plan of Excellence proposed by the Intervention
Commission, which will lead the institution to overcome the D
category in which it is currently located.

Cómo citar
Vargas Ramírez, M. P., Ortiz Chimbo, K. M., Garcia Viteri, R. A., & Ortiz Novillo, C. R. (2022). Feasibility study of the implementation of a deconcentrated and processbased management model in public universities in Ecuador. Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación Y Saberes, 12(2), 12-28. Recuperado a partir de http://revistasdigitales.utelvt.edu.ec/revista/index.php/investigacion_y_saberes/article/view/142
Artículo Científico