Development of Octave programming to calculate the forces in the structural elements of a scissor lift table

Palabras clave: Newton of motion, program, arithmetic


When building equipment or parts of a machinery, the determination of the forces acting on the elements is key to dimension them properly. Newton's laws of motion are used to determine the forces, in the case of mechanisms whose movement is slow (quasi-static) or when it does not move, the application of Newton's first law is relevant. For a table for lifting loads (weights) it is necessary to know the forces acting on the elements for different positions of the arms of the table, doing it manually requires repeated calculations and there is a possibility of placing unintentional errors when performing arithmetic operations.

Cómo citar
Guerrero Ferrusola, O. X., Rivera Obando, R. A., & Rivera España, R. V. (2023). Development of Octave programming to calculate the forces in the structural elements of a scissor lift table. Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación Y Saberes, 13(3), 95-127. Recuperado a partir de
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